Pre-Launch Your Book & Bring Money in Now by Featuring Your Products, Services & Experiences
In this training we’re going to talk about how to bring money in the door right away without waiting months for book sales royalties to come in. And so what we’re talking about here is pre-launching your book and running a prelaunch campaign that not only sells your book in advance of the release date, but also has the opportunity for people to purchase other packages, products, programs, experiences, services from you, many or most of what you haven’t even created yet, but that you will create once people are actually buying them. And so part of the idea here and what we’re talking about is bringing money in the door right away. When you do a prelaunch campaign and you do it right, if somebody preorders your book, then you get that money right away. And if they’re pre-ordering it through a retail site like Amazon for example, well then you’re logging sales in advance of the release.
And yeah, you may not get that money right away, but you’re building your sales record so that when the book comes out, your book’s already going up the charts. And the people that have pre-ordered. What we want to do when it comes to the book is to get them a copy of that book in advance of the release so that way before the book even comes out, you’ve pre-sold copies, you’re getting them into readers hands and they’re preparing a review, hopefully a five star, super positive review because they’ve gotten to engage with you and gotten to know you and your work and ideas for weeks or months before they’re actually available to the general public. But that also helps you get five star reviews by having this timeline ahead of the release date when people are engaging with the material, reading the book and they’ve already paid for it.
And how cool is that? But the best way to bring money in the door in advance of the book launch is to pre-sell these other offers and we’re going to come up with them in a great level of detail, uh, over the course of these videos. But for now, what I want you to understand is that if somebody hires you to do coaching or if they sign up for a training program, if they want to do one on one work, or if you’re going to do a seminar or a retreat or a mastermind, the prelaunch campaign gives people an exclusive opportunity to get access to these offers at really what’s a onetime only price. So in the prelaunch campaign, we’re going to price these offers competitively and make them exclusive in that sense so that when people pay and when they sign up, that’s money coming straight into your bank account.
And that’s also people that are prepared to learn from you, to work with you, to engage with you, and gives you in turn the opportunity to influence and impact and uplift them. And so by positioning your offers and giving them, giving your customers a way to buy them before they’re generally available, truly before they’re even fully created and flushed out. That’s what brings money in the door months in advance of the book launch itself. It also is what helps you drive interest in your book. It’s what helps create a nucleus of support, a launch team, if you will, of the people that have hired you and paid for your other products and services and experiences where when the book comes out, you’ve got a small army of people that are leaving reviews, sharing it with their friends. And then the best case scenario, leaving public messages and posts and emails talking about how much they’ve already learned working with you and how much they’ve enjoyed your book.
And so the idea of the prelaunch campaign is a way to bring money in the door before the book comes out and to build momentum towards the launch by getting customers and having the time to turn them into raving fans and your core supporters in the lunch. And so what we’re going to do over the course of these videos is to really craft the specific offers that are right for you that fit with your book and that build the kind of customer base and audience that you really love. Because at the end of the day, isn’t that what we’re looking for? Not only a readership and not only the opportunity to become a bestselling author, but a way to really build a business that can grow and grow beyond $10,000 for a prelaunch and into the six figures. So it all starts with getting the prelaunch right and having a way, in fact, multiple ways for people to give you money.
Now, as in this point in time, months before your book is coming out. And so that’s what we’re talking about here. And that’s the main idea that I want you to get from this video. As we move forward, we’re going to go into how to avoid the traps of, you know, missing the boat and waiting until the product is done. Or your book is publicly available in order to actually give people the chance to buy it or to order it and to work with you and to engage with you. So that’s the main idea that I want you to get in this video is that in a prelaunch campaign, you’re bringing money in the door now and avoiding the trap of waiting for months after the book comes out to get any royalties that are available to you from those books. Sales sound good? I’ll see you in the next video. We’re going to have some fun.
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I am thinking of turning a Facebook group I just started in a paid group. Do you think that is a good idea?
It could be a good idea if everyone in it is paying and invested in the group. Generally, I’d say it’s better to have a group set-up like this:
* Private group with questions to enter, offer something free for their email as 3rd question.
* Have a welcome sequence of posts and tag the new people that join each week.
* Have a Call To Action on each content post so people start commenting and engaging
* If you have paid clients…give them assignments to share into the group with what they’re doing (that way you highlight what paid clients do with you)
Hope that helps
Thank you so much. You have given me some great ideas there.
You can see how I’ve set something similar up for this training:
Landing Page:
Pre-Launch Paradise FB Group: