Are You Really All-In, or Just Testing the Waters?
One of the biggest distinctions I notice between successful authors, entrepreneurs and people generally is this:
They are truly ALL-IN
Which is very different than just testing the waters, dipping a toe in to see how it feels, while the rest of the body stays safe on dry land.
Being All-In means you’ve got both feet in the game, moving forward in the same direction
Instead of having one foot on the accelerator, and the other on the brake.
All-In means you aren’t involved in 3-4 different projects at once, giving just part of your energy to each one…and seeing mediocre results in each as a result.
All-IN means that when adversity inevitably crops up, you think about your best options to overcome it…instead of using it as a convenient excuse to turn back
ALL-IN means you are 100% committed and that your actions reflect a sincere intention to move forward and manifest your vision in the world.
Think about someone in your life who is definitely not all-in…
Maybe someone that has a life-changing new idea every couple weeks, gets excited and tells everyone they found the best thing since sliced bread
Just to cut bait and switch to some other shiny new goal a few weeks later
Does that inspire confidence?
Do you trust this person and believe what they are saying?
Or, in the back of your mind, are you thinking “Sure, buddy, let’s see how long this lasts“
On the other hand…
When you witness someone who is clearly on their path
Who shows up day after day, month after month, deepening their commitment and expanding their impact
That person inspires trust and confidence without even saying a word
That is the kind of person you want to align with and be inspired by
Because at the end of the day, those who are All-In go all the way
Here’s an example of someone going All-In, who now just happens to be the wealthiest person on earth.

Coincidence? I think not
That’s what’s on my mind this Sunday
Drop a comment and let me know what’s on yours
To your success,
I wake up in the morning. It’s same as usual but there is some difference. Tomorrow gonna be new semester and online class going to start. I wonder if I’m prepared or not, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Too much silly thought of past came and torture our mind and soul everytime we are alone.
Yet, there’s a word that fascinating
“Faith”. We all hear it since kids and as Muslim, it’s strongly believe in Allah. Don’t we all scared of past. And grow up in frightened of what will happen. Some may able to fight, some fall along the way, some keep walking, some keep struggling. All different person, going through different things that end up we all hope we can have what we seek.
What if the way, is so foggy, can’t see anything scared of what will happen if we walk. Then, we scared of what we have go through and thought maybe i should choose other path? Can I go through this? Can I survive like others?
Like others, it’s a thought that leads to self-humiliation. And then i thought, “Faith”.
Human can’t run from mistakes. But naturally, all human, have a side of kindness. When we look into antagonist, have we ever wonder, what kind of life to have shaped them. They were baby too. All creatures start from nothing to be something. So, me myself, as antagonist, I want to keep walking in the fog. Knowing I will messed up, knowing the fact that I don’t know what will happen.
Only left is, have Faith in Him, even if I don’t understand His plan. He created us, He knows us better than we do.
That’s my thoughts today. I’m not writer and still fixing my grammar :). Overall, i like this question of what your thoughts and I suddenly felt i wanna write here.
I’m all-in.