Story of the Year 2019

Story of the Year 2019

As we turn the page on 2019…

What is your Best encouragement for someone who is just starting to fall in love with READING?

Is there a book you’ve read that set your life on fire?

Have you stumbled across a quote from another author, and chased it down, just to discover a new world waiting for you?

Has someone you loved recommended a book, and now it’s one of your favs too? What seems like common sense to some – that being a voracious reader has countless benefits – may not be common practice for others.

Share a story of how books have made a difference in your life and join me in saying goodbye to the 2010s

Here’s to a new decade of amazing books & inspiring authors from your favorite publisher 🙂

Here’s to 2020,

Hard Truth About Becoming a Successful Author

Hard Truth About Becoming a Successful Author

Here is a hard truth about becoming a successful author:

Writing a great book is not enough.

It may take you months to write your book (or even years, or decades if you procrastinate long enough).

And as good as it feels to put the finishing touches on your manuscript…

That is just the beginning of your journey to author success.

Even editing, cover design, layout and formatting your book to look and read well doesn’t get you there.

Sooner or later you (and every author) will be confronted with the hard reality of becoming a best-selling author and it almost always comes down to one word:


Influence, authority, leadership and respect await you on the other side of slaying the marketing dragon… 

As in, actually getting out there and being the biggest advocate for your message. 

As in, actually talking to people about your book and the ideas, inspiration and advice contained within it

As in, getting out of your own way and letting your light shine to the world. Getting right with the fact that if you don’t start the process of building marketing momentum there is very little chance someone will do it for you.

The good news is, even though it can be scary to switch from “writing mode” – which is mostly an individual, private experience – to “marketing mode” – which by definition involves other people, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

The key to becoming great at marketing your book (and every other offer you create) comes down to one thing:

=> Shifting your perspective from “what do I want to say” (aka writing mode) to “how can this benefit others”

Here’s what Carol-Ann Marshal realized after she attended an author training I ran:

Did you catch that sentence “I came away with a renewed sense of what is possible being an author, the gift that I have to offer the world and a number of new friends…”

Carol-Ann made the connection that sharing her message with the world is the goal, and the book is the vehicle that gets you into motion. 

Great marketing comes down to sharing about what you’ve created, and doing so in language that lands with the listener. 

When you focus on how your reader’s life will improve when they read your book…

When you focus on solving the most pressing problem they are facing…

When you focus on inspiring others to elevate their experience of life and bring new meaning into it…

Then you ARE marketing your book, just not in a sleazy “salesy” way, but in a way that actually lands.

Because you are connecting with what is important to THEM, instead of focusing on what is important to you.

In fact, the only thing that is “hard” about becoming a successful author and entrepreneur is making this shift.

The shift from thinking about yourself, what you want, and what you need => To making your default question: 

“How can I improve this person’s life or help them solve a problem and make it as quick and easy as possible for them?”

The next time you catch yourself thinking “But I hate marketing…” or “I just want to focus on writing…” or “Marketing is so much work…”

Just, STOP – pause for a moment. Take a breath.

Then refocus on “How can I help this person succeed?” or, “What can improve their day right away?” or, “How can I solve their most pressing problem quickly and easily?”

It is incredible how simply asking the right questions begin producing the right answers. 

Then, all of a sudden, you are coming up with creative ways to help people, share your message, be and inspiration and build your influence with every conversation and piece of “marketing” content you publish.

That, my friend, is how to sell a LOT of books and impact a LOT of lives.

That is the path that leads to generating $10,000+ of sales before your book even comes out.

That one shift sets you on a direction of inspiration, influence and authority…

To get the step-by-step instructions, support and resources to successfully market your book, reach your full potential and make a lot of sales, watch the video on this link and join $10k Before Launch… 

Learn more about $10k Before Launch and register here


To your success,


How to Write a Book Outline & Structure Your Content

How to Write a Book Outline & Structure Your Content

Having passion for your book is a prerequisite for publishing. When it comes to writing a book however, passion is only the beginning. The real work is intertwined with the process of getting the big ideas out of your head and onto the page. Creating a book outline and getting clear on how you want to structure your content will help sharpen your focus, not to mention save you countless hours of writing.


What Questions Does Your Reader Have & How Can You Best Answer Them?


To create an effective book outline, you must look at things from the perspective of your reader. Here is a quick exercise to shift into the reader’s perspective:


Question #1 => What was it about your book that caused the reader to pick it up and start reading?


Question #2 => What trajectory is your reader’s life on right now and where does your book intersect with that?


       Example: She just found out she is expecting and wants to plan for motherhood. He just went to his doctor who said “you need to lose 25lbs”. Or perhaps this person has finally decided to start a business and wants guidance.


Question #3 => Your reader just finished the last chapter of your book and is thinking about their future. What is the first thought that comes to mind?


Thinking in these terms starts to give clues as to what content should be included and in which order it will best serve the reader. Determining how your book will make a lasting impression on the reader can give you a goal of what types of content you want to include.

Before you create an outline, determine what questions would your reader want answered when picking up the book. For instance, if you were writing a book about concussion recovery, you could safely assume the reader or someone they care about has experienced a traumatic brain injury.

By shifting into their perspective, you can predict the answers they want from the book. What types of recovery options are available for concussion sufferers? What are examples of the best-case scenarios for traumatic brain injuries? Answer these questions in an engaging way to hook your reader as they move from chapter to chapter. 

This line of questioning is what led Dr. Dan Engle to write The Concussion Repair Manual, which has become one the top-selling books we’ve published. Like the sub-title says, it is truly A Practical Guide to Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injuries

Another part of planning the outline is to determine what extras you can include to help a reader achieve the goals you have in mind for them. Images, charts, calendars are just a few examples of graphics to use for increased engagement. Not only with these tools add credence to your content, but also can later be used as a selling point.

Click Here to Read the Table of Contents for The Concussion Repair Manual by Dr. Dan Engle as an example for how to structure content in a practical how-to non-fiction book. 

Structuring the Book Outline


Write what you know is the first piece of advice you would give to your ideal reader. As you develop your content, lean on any methodology you have perfected to write about your selected subject.

If you’ve seen positive results firsthand, then craft your book to convey the steps taken to achieve success. The notes from which your outline will be created should include all the key points you want to make. Once you have these points, you can frame each book chapter around them. For each chapter, consider creating a consistent chapter framework that takes the reader easily through your book. 

A Sample Chapter Framework could look like this:

* Opening Story that frames the topic of the chapter: 1-2 pages

* Introduce the topic and discuss the main idea of the chapter: 6-10 pages

* Illustrate the topic with a case study or real-life example from your life: 1-2 pages

* Concluding thoughts on this topic and Next Step the reader can take to implement it in their life: 1-2 pages

Give each chapter a name and use these titles as the basis for your book outline. You can also try mind-mapping your book and each chapter following the prompts and bullet points above. To mind-map, simply use the main topic from the chapter to create a line leading to sub-topics. Outlines can be bare bones or as comprehensive as you prefer. Some writers prefer to fill in the content as they write while others rely heavily on the research they did for the outline.

An effective outline will look different for each writer. What you need to do is find the best approach for your writing style and use the outline to create a compelling book that stands the test of time..

INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life

INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life

Hope your week is off to a great start! 

Now that Summer is here, I’m wondering if you’re feeling inspired to do something brave, bold and brilliant? 

Summer is a time to come alive and live life in full bloom. I’ve always felt that it is hard not to feel inspired when the sun is shining and the days are long. It is in that spirit that I am pleased to share our latest and greatest release… 

INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life by Joy Taylor, with a Foreword by NY Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff    

Get INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life Now <= Special launch day price of course!  


INSPIRED by Joy Taylor

 By the way, did I mention some of the incredible endorsements that are coming in for INSPIRED? 

Apply the Wisdoms and your life will improve” – Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul™ 

This book is a timely antidote to the growing sense of fear that we live in an unsafe world.” – John Gray, NY Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus 

Here is a sneak peek from the back cover to hear Joy tell it in her own words: 


Are you inspired to do something brave, bold, and brilliant?

Have you ever dared to share and put yourself out there? If you don’t show up, don’t risk, and don’t overcome your fears or inner obstacles, the world loses – and so do you. 

Joy Taylor



Joy Taylor, Author of INSPIRED

Inspired introduces game-changing ideas on how to align your personality with your soul, break cycles of fear, and be more happy more often. This is not a book of untested theories, rather it is real-world and relatable, packed with tips, tools, and tactics for experiencing love, nurturing self-compassion, and catalyzing your purpose. You will be guided to ask empowering questions, tap into your inner knowing, and actualize your authentic self in everything you do. 

Are you ready to discover your most inspired self? INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life is about celebrating you! It’s about becoming the best you can be, finding your purpose, and being the person you came here to be―brave, bold, and brilliant!

Get INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life Now <= This is the last book we are publishing until September, Joy and I would love your support 🙂 

To your success, 


PS: Inspiration is already spreading to book lovers everywhere. As I write this INSPIRED is the #1 Hot New Release in Spiritual Growth & Self-Help. Help us add some fuel to the fire by picking up a copy now!

INSPIRED #1 Best-Selling Spiritual Growth Book


The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Freedom & Wealth

The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Freedom & Wealth

If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!

What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment. 

Arthur Magoulianiti, Best-Selling Author of The Extraordinary Man shares his reasons for writing this book.

But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life?” An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of thriving, where things maybe just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat. At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. 

The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and The Extraordinary Man lays out the principles and practices that can change your life – literally overnight. Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones. 

Arthur Magoulianiti speaks to the importance of good health to be Extraordinary

All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest. It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become The Extraordinary Man that has always lived inside of you!

Arthur Magoulianiti and I discuss Creating Abundance

I would like to congratulate Arthur Magoulianiti on The Extraordinary Man hitting #1 Hot New Release on Amazon and for continuing to demonstrate what it means to strive for the extraordinary in all aspects of life!

Click Here to Get Your Copy of THE EXTRAORDINARY MAN

The Extraordinary Man