San Pedro Huachuma New Book Cover

San Pedro Huachuma

Javier Regueiro

Spirituality & Self-Help

“San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart” is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma.
About the book
“San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart” is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma. San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a psychoactive cactus native of the Andes, but more importantly it’s an ancestral medicine that has been used for millennia for healing and ceremonial purposes.

Our Western psychic and psychological make-up differs radically from that of Andean people, and our needs as modern people differ just as much from the needs of the ancestors and inhabitants of this land. This book intends to bridge such cultural gap in ways that honor the wealth of wisdom gathered through centuries of native studies and experimentation, and at the same time address our present day state of emotional disconnection and spiritual confusion, which are at the root of most physical, emotional, and mental diseases.

Javier Regueiro draws a comprehensive and practical map for exploring consciousness using this ancestral medicine by sharing from his extensive knowledge as a plant medicine person, his personal experiences, and those of the many people he has guided over the years using this medicine.

About the Authors
Javier Reguiero Book ImageJavier Reguiero s a certified massage therapist, rebirther, and Avatar Master. He moved to Peru in 2004 to study Amazon plant medicine and shamanism and has apprenticed in the Iquitos and Pucallpa areas. Javier Regueiro lives in Pisac, Peru, where he created the Ayaruna Center and conducts healing work with traditional Peruvian plant medicines.

This is the book for you if you are contemplating doing ceremony with San Pedro or have had a ceremony and want to make sense of it. Western culture lacks the indigenous understanding of the basic elements/energies and sacred landscape to often benefit from plant medicine. Javier provides it in a loving, personal way. It’s not preachy or technical. It’s the same heart energy that the plant itself exudes. I love that he basically says that it’s not magic. You have to have the openness, heart, eyes, and ears to hear what San Pedro is saying. That’s the grounded reality. It’s not about some psychedelic trip or mind altering explosion of Godliness. God is here all the time. It’s more like “where are you?”

Anyway, I love the humility and love that is in every sentence of this book. I love the practical bits at the end. Highly recommend it.

Thanks, Javier!


I truly enjoy reading this book.Javier explains very well how San Pedro cactus opens your heart “like a lotus flower” to become a more loving,compassionate,forgiving person.His words are full of inspiration and enlightenment.Reading his words,I feel transported to a different dimension,and forgetting about my existence.All I become is expanded love that encompasses everyone and everything.This book is a great buy,and really worth reading if you want to expand your mind.Thank you Javier for writing this book!

I truly enjoy reading this book


Like his Ayahuasca book, Javier shares in a honest, matter-of-fact way about working with Grandfather Huachuma. A great read along with Cactus of Mystery by Ross Heavens for anyone starting to work or has worked with San Pedro medicine.

Like his Ayahuasca book