Start from Zero New Book Cover

Start from Zero

Dane Maxwell


Embark on 7 Learning Adventures to Create a Business From Scratch.
This book includes research on “who” is most likely to be successful in entrepreneurship across 26 different personality factors.
About the book

Embark on 7 Learning Adventures to Create a Business From Scratch.

This book includes research on “who” is most likely to be successful in entrepreneurship across 26 different personality factors.

No hype. No BS. No fluff. This is a comprehensive book full of examples to draw from. Start From Zero gives you the repeatable path to create a meaningful and profitable business without being dependent on any person, any platform, or anything.

See new research on the top personality traits pulled from 30 successful entrepreneurs. Learn by example from 15 employees who became entrepreneurs.

Much of the world believes you have to be smart, gifted, or lucky to make it with your own business.

That’s only true to a certain extent. You can actually screw up a lot and still get rich… if you get the right things done right.

This is the only book that will show you how to successfully start from zero when you have nothing.

Not even confidence.

Start From Zero is the result of over 10 years of research, based on tested principles, with a methodology that will still be relevant a hundred years from now.

If you are frustrated with your income and earning potential, this book is for you.

Start From Zero teaches you how to install the 4 brains you need to create income & scalable products from scratch.

Whether you are a frustrated employee, a time-strapped business owner, or a curious 16 year old wondering if you should attend college, Start From Zero delivers the goods.

My hope is this book helps make entrepreneurship accessible to the entire world.

I have personally helped thousands of people become free with this exact process.

All of them started from zero. Many of them started as employees.

You can be next.

Put these principles into practice for 90 days and learn the skills to make success more likely in any endeavor you choose

About the Author
Dane Maxwell Book ImageIdentity is the crux of it all. Figure that out, and you are free. I personally found a place to belong after trying everywhere else. That place was Entrepreneurship. I built 16 businesses, failed with 11, learned what worked and what didn’t work. Have 15 millionaire students to date.



I would not have started Self-Publishing School had it not been for Start From Zero Thank you, Dane !

Chandler Bolt,
Founder & CEO of Self-Publishing School


Creating a legacy I’m proud of, impacting people in a deep way, and seeing them change. That is my why. The what is Start From Zero and Dane Maxwell, thank you so much!

Cris Urzua,
Former Hotel Empoyee, Turned 7-Figure Business Owner

When I was a little girl in Colombia, I thought that by moving to Australia, going to university and getting a high-paying job, I would be happy. My goal was to become a Marketing Executive in a Company and aim for a salary of around $200,000 per year. Later on, I realized that money wasn’t the only thing that creates fulfillment―being aligned with your vocation is. The combination of both is where the sweet spot was for me. Now I am easily the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve ever been!

Juliana Garcia,
From Climbing the Corporate Ladder, to Making $60K in a Day