$10K Before Launch: How to Run a Successful Book Pre-Launch Campaign

$10K Before Launch: How to Run a Successful Book Pre-Launch Campaign

Module 1 – Part 1: How to Run a Pre-Launch Campaign that Builds Excitement, Brings Money in the Door and Avoids Failure and Obscurity.

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to 10x your revenue with a prelaunch campaign and build momentum towards your launch, ready? Let’s get into it. A prelaunch campaign, from a high level, it’s all about announcing your book for the first time and the other products, services, experiences, offers that build on it that really fulfill your readers, your customers at whatever level they want to learn with you.

That’s really the key here at the beginning of this all is to look at your book as not only a book as a product, a $20 product, let’s say, but to also have other offers around a hundred or $250 or 500 or a thousand dollars that go deeper and wider so that people that are interested in what you’ve written about, interested in what you have to say and what you have to share can go deeper with you for a higher price.

And for a greater overall experience. And so we’ve talked about 10x-ing revenue really simply, let’s just say that you sold, I don’t know, a hundred books at $20 a book, and if you just did a prelaunch campaign and that was it, then congratulations, you’ve made like $2,000 in book sales, but how would you 10 X that? Well, what if in addition to selling those hundred bucks for $20 a piece, you also had a coaching offer or you also had a little seminar or a live event, or you had an online training program or you had an audio training program, or you had a group coaching program or a mastermind. And we’re going to go into what each of these are in detail and what the right price point is. And ultimately by the end of this course, you’re going to have your complete roadmap in place with the exact offers, the exact price points, and your exact roadmap for how your prelaunch is going to do 10 K or more.

Sound good. And so really at the foundational level, it’s about looking at your book launch and looking at your product and program launch a couple months ahead of when the actual date is. So if you’ve got a book coming out, let’s say three months from now, then this time right now today is when you’d want to start pre-launching it and highlighting not only the book but using the book as a hook, using a book as the way that gets people interested because writing a book is a big deal and if you’ve written a book or even if you’re almost done writing your book and thinking about launching, the time to start sharing it with people is months before actual release date. Because let’s quickly look at what happens if you don’t do that. What a lot of authors do, and it’s a big mistake, is they put in all the time to write a book and then they get it designed and laid out and they figure out self-publishing and everything else only to wait to announce it until it’s actually live and published.

And then that’s the first time they ever say anything about it. And guess what happens if you do that? Well, probably not that much. Maybe your friends and family, maybe the people that already know like and trust you are going to go and buy a copy and maybe that’ll feel good and maybe that even moves the book up the charts a little bit. But if you wait until the book is actually out and that your only real announcement is, Hey, I have a book and it’s out and you can get it now you’re not giving people any context, let alone reasons why they should be interested and purchase it, let alone having a way that they can go beyond the book to engage with you in different offers at higher price points. So that’s one of the key lessons in this video is that by pre-launching and starting two to three months before your book actually comes out, first you get to announce that book and get it on people’s radar weeks if not months before it’s actually available.

And this allows you to build anticipation, to build momentum, to make the book launch itself and occasion something that people are looking forward to. And in the process, having them basically hire you and pay you and give you money for other offers right now as in months before the book actually comes out. And the other reason that this is so important is because even if you self-publish, or especially if you work with a publisher and even a great publisher like lifestyle entrepreneurs press that pays good royalties and pays them frequently, any book that you sell, you’re still going to be waiting at least a few months before you even see the revenue from those books sales. And so in the next video we’re going to talk about how to bring money in the door right away and how that really helps drive book sales and build more interest and more momentum moving forward.

So right now, the key lesson I want you to take away from this first video is that you have the ability to 10 X your revenue or more than what you’d make just launching your book by having just a few simple offers available and highlighting the book and your prelaunch. Wow. Also having these other options that people can opt into that people can purchase and buy and that those offers don’t have to be created yet. Okay. So the other point I want you to take away from this video is that pre-launching means selling before creating and delivering. And that’s what, that’s the mindset that we’re going to get into in this course is that before you put in all the work to create something and build it and design and build a website and whatever else you think it takes to put an offer together and bring it out to the world, we’re going to make it super simple and just help get clear on what the value is that you’re providing to your customers, to your potential clients, in any of these offers, including your book. Cause once you’re clear on the value that you’re providing and you’ve got a price tag that goes along with that, that’s just about all you need to start selling and start pre-launching your book as well as these other offers. So I’ll see you in the next video. We’re going to talk about how to bring money in the door and how to build momentum towards your launch the right way.

>> To Access the Full $10K Before Launch Training Program Click Here

2020 Vision at Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

2020 Vision at Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

Happy New Year and indeed a New Decade!

Now that the holiday season is squarely in the rear view mirror, how firmly rooted do you feel in 2020 and how inspired to be most authentically you?

Moving into this new year I intend to bring even more training and support to authors like you, and to find a farther reach for the books we publish.

To that effect, I am pleased to announce a new initiative for 2020: Quarterly Strategic Planning Calls for Authors in concert with my dear friend, and master teacher Dale Halaway.

Every quarter we will facilitate a transformational planning session to map out the next 90-days of your author career. Transformational, because as you commit to taking action to bring your book to a wider audience, you open up new possibilities that you can’t even imagine.

Dale Halaway, best-selling author of Being Called to Change: Let Go of All That No Longer Serves You and Grow Into Your Full Potential is also a master teacher, who has led over 3,000 seminars on personal transformation, business mastery and spiritual growth. You can learn more about Dale’s work here: www.DaleHalaway.com

In addition to these quarterly strategy calls, around the middle of 2020 we will begin leading bi-annual Author Intensives – an action-packed 3-day live event in Las Vegas, followed by 3 months of deep implementation support and accountability.

With these new ways of supporting authors at a deeper level, it is my hope that Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press fulfills our vision to truly be Publisher for the Passionate.

If you would like to get your book published in 2020, please get in touch here to schedule a Publishing Consultation.

Excited to share the invitation for our first Quarterly Strategic Planning Call soon and, once again, here’s to an inspired 2020!

To your success,


Jesse Krieger - Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Freedom & Wealth

The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Freedom & Wealth

If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!

What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment. 

Arthur Magoulianiti, Best-Selling Author of The Extraordinary Man shares his reasons for writing this book.

But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life?” An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of thriving, where things maybe just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat. At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. 

The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and The Extraordinary Man lays out the principles and practices that can change your life – literally overnight. Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones. 

Arthur Magoulianiti speaks to the importance of good health to be Extraordinary

All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest. It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become The Extraordinary Man that has always lived inside of you!

Arthur Magoulianiti and I discuss Creating Abundance

I would like to congratulate Arthur Magoulianiti on The Extraordinary Man hitting #1 Hot New Release on Amazon and for continuing to demonstrate what it means to strive for the extraordinary in all aspects of life!

Click Here to Get Your Copy of THE EXTRAORDINARY MAN

The Extraordinary Man