A Beautiful Evolution New Book Cover

A Beautiful Evolution

Annie Nami Kim

Spirituality & Self-Help

It is an Easy Journey to Self Doubt. I was desperate for answers of self identity and personal happiness to create a miraculous transformation. I committed to Change and had A Spiritual Awakening.
About the book
It is an Easy Journey to Self Doubt.

I was desperate for answers of self identity and personal happiness to create a miraculous transformation. I committed to Change and had A Spiritual Awakening.

I hope my Story of Self discovery will help benefit others who are also searching for their Happiness. To Drop old habits and Embrace new paradigms of Living and Acceptance.

I recall my struggles and am grateful for my determination and focus on courage and now I find strength in other people’s eyes and know that I am nEver a victim. Forgiving gives new paths for your own life in order to change course for our kids. We should come together when we are torn at our senses, to create a community of compassion for those seeking help. Being raised to live wholeheartedly. It is human nature to remember traumatic and painful occurrences in our life.

About the Author
Annie Nami Kim Book ImageAnnie began as an artist at the age of six. Her father is a self taught iron artist from North Korea and her Grandfather is an English Professor and wood artist from South Korea. She was born and raised in Tacoma, Washington where she graduated high school at the age of 15. Annie has worked as a CNA, Nationally Certificated Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Therapist, Model, Spokeswoman, Artist, and VIP host for Barry Manilow.
Annie has been through a lot. Death, drugs, molestation, and fear. She has attempted suicide, and been in and out of rehab multiple times. But something forced her to survive. Perhaps, that “something” was the inevitable manifestation of this book.

It reads like a train-of-thought journal, twisting and turning through Annie’s mind as she confronts her past.

Annie made a choice to survive so she could tell her story, in gripping fashion. If you let it, her book will take you on a painful but enlightening journey that will undoubtedly make you uncomfortable. But it will also spawn a beautiful evolution within your own soul. It will allow you to see the strength, the magic, and the depth of self-love.

Annie, I read it in one sitting and cried at the end. Raw emotion. Thank you.

Jesse Tevelow,
A harsh, raw, and beautiful evolution of the mind


This is by far the most creative/artistic read I’ve ever read. I’ve never seen anything like this before and I’m an avid reader. The material is raw, vulnerable, passionate. Anne’s writing style is a unique and exceptional form of art. I believe that anyone struggling with depression and fear will feel known, understood, like someone put words to their pain and feeling of being lost and confused. This is an honest conversation of pain, loss, and hope. The art is exceptional! May this work spread to all the wounded people who are suffering with depression and need this message to feel known and empowered to live a life of acceptance and peace.

Denise Darlene,
A Uniques and Exceptional form of Art


Thank you for sharing, things that cause so much pain can later be used as a tool for helping other building empathy and compassion as we listen to others. I also was taken into the shed, I was too young, too weak or too tired to fight the women or females from sexually abusing me, hundreds of times, I am a survivor, they did not win, thanks

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